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Albert Einstein
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Albert Einstein was a scientific genius who was born in Germany.
He went to school in Germany, in Switzerland, and in Italy.
Albert enjoyed learning science, especially Physics.
When he was ten years old, his tutor gave him adult-level books on physics and he read them avidly.
Albert Einstein is best know for his "Theory of Relativity" in Physics, for explaining the law of photoelectric effect, and early understanding of quantum theory and the use of atomic energy.
He wrote over 300 papers that explained physics. He explained phsics so it could be understood.
In 1921, he was given the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Albert often changed his citizenship. At different times he was a citizen of Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and finally the United States.
Albert Einstein was one of the Jewish scientists who were left Germany to escape Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime.
Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt about the horrible effects of an atomic bomb.
Albert Einstein had married as a young man and had two sons. Later he divorced and remarried to gain two stepdaughters.
Albert Einstein was always eccentric.
In his last years, he was easily recognized walking the streets of Princeton by his never-tamed hair.
Video on Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein Biography
Albert Einstein
A Coloring Page
Albert Einstein Pictures
Albert Einstein as a young man
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein teaching
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, A Thinker
Albert Einstein
Netlinks for Albert Einstein
Einstein Archives Online
Albert Einstein
Nobel Prize Biography:
Albert Einstein
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Albert Einstein Archives
Albert Einstein Biography
Page created March 29, 2009.
Anne Pemberton
. Updated Thu, Feb 23, 2012. AP.