Alice Paul was born into a Quaker family on a farm in New Jersey.
As Hicksite Quakers, Alice's parents raised her with a belief in
gender equality, and the need to work for the betterment of society.
Hicksite Quakers stressed separation from the burgeoning materialistic society
and advocated the benefits of staying close to nature.
Alice saw that American women were treated like second class citizens.
She visited England to learn how Suffragettes in England worked for equal rights for women.
In England she marched, demonstrated, broke windows and went to jail.
When she came home to the USA, she worked for the right for women to vote.
In the US, Alice, again, marched, demonstrated, and went to jail.
In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed which gave women the right to vote.
But Alice Paul did not stop her activities on behalf of women.
She began working for an amendment that made women fully equal to men.
That amendment, The Equal Rights Amendment, still has not been passed.