Mrs. P's Index of Civilization Resources and Links


In the beginning, human beings spent most of their time finding food.
As families grew into households, humans developed more efficient ways to hunt and gather food.
At the end of the day, the humans within a shelter shared a meal.

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Social Classes











Civilization Links

Map of Mexico; Continent; World

Civilization Links

Civilization Definition Society Definition Culture Definition Society Culture vs Society
Hemispheres North America South America Central America Map of Mexico; Continent; World
BBC: Civilization
flash program
Video Game: Civilization Clash of Civilizations The Power Configurations of the Central World 1500-700 BC
1000 Years of War
Kosmos: Paths to Planetary Civilization Great Transitions: The Promise and Lure of the Times to Come Journey Through Ancient Civilizations
10 min video
Art History and Architecture Kathrine Bolman Timeline for Innovations Desertification of Western Peru Demise of Easter Island
In a Small Town
Country Music
Pix and information on skyscrapers around the world!
The Mohawks Who Built Manhattan Learn about Labor Rights

Ancient Civilizations of the World

Sumer (Sumeria)

5300 BC - 1940 BC

Wikipedia: Sumerian Civilization


~5000BC - 1912AD

Features: Architecture, inventions, the calendar, written language

Temple in China
Virtual Museum of Ancient China


3150 BC to 32 BC

Features: Architecture, inventions, the calendar, written language

Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian Religion


South of Egypt

BC to

Features: Central Government, Gender Equality, Slave Class

Ancient Kush
Nubia Links

History of Kush/Ethiopia

by Geo Abrahams

The great Queen mothers of the ancient African city of Meroe in the Kingdom/Queendom of CUSH/KUSHITE Ehtiopia during the Metoritic period is my subject for this Hue-man historical month... if you are going to tell a story ... tell it from the start!

African Queen Mothers

These QUEEN MOTHERS OF kUSH Kanadake/ kdwe ( chandaces) are todays featured historical facts.


Amanerinas was a manly Queen mother female warrior with one eye.
Amerinas fought the invading Roman legions (of Petronius and Agustus Caesar) to a stale mate...
The Romans consented to a treaty favouring the peoples of Ethiopia/kush.
Amanerinas told the Romans, "Dont hate my people who are dark .... we are whiter and brighter in our hearts than the whitest among you"
Source: the shrine of Apis- now in the British museum.



Norte Chico

~3000 BC to 1800 BC

The newest discovery is what is believed to be the oldest civilization on the American continents.

Map of Peru; Continent; World

Indus Valley

~2600 to 1900 BCE

Wikipedia: Indus Valley Civilization


1550 BC to 300 BC

PIcture of Phoenician sculpture

Phoenician Encyclopedia


1100BC to 146 BC

Features: Architecture, government (direct and representative democracy), and sports

Ancient Greece for Kids
Trojan Wars


753 BC to 476 AD

Features: Architecture, government (direct and representative democracy), and sports

Print and Color Ancient Rome Wikipedia: Ancient Roman Civilization Mythology of Ancient Rome


~ 200 BC to 1532 AD

Ancient Incas


~2000 BC to 900 AD

The role of women in Pre-Columbian Societies


1325 AD - 1521 AD

Mexico, North America

Ancient Aztecs


xxxx AD - xxxx AD

Features: oral tradition (storytelling), government (kings), and economic development (trade)

Ancient Mali Civilization for 3rd Grade

Mapping History

or click on: TimeMaps Video Tour

World History Maps
Time Maps of the World History of Conflicts
Interactive World Map
History of Religion
World Map
World Map
Time Zones
World Atlas
Explore your world
Timemaps Vimeo Time Maps
National Geographic
Dynamic Maps
This Dynamic Planet
World Map of Volcanos
UC World Map
Global Inequalities
Interactive World
K Bears
1000 Years of War
Time Lapse World Map
European Borders
Time Lapse World Map
Nuclear Blasts 1948-1998
Time Lapse World Map
University of Texas: Maps CIA Factbook Maps: Maps Enchanted Learning: Maps National Geographis: Xpeditions: Atlas About Geography: World Map (Mining Co Com) Maps


History of Hominids and Early Man

Until we can go back in history and learn about the beginnings of mankind, we will have to make do with scientific assumptions based on the study of fossils of the pre-humans (Hominids), and Early Man. Science dates the beginnings of man with discovery of fossils that can be carbon-dated, and measured to determine the characteristics and life-style of early humans.
Early Man was different from other primates. Man walked on two legs. He carried tools in his arms. Man developed smaller teeth and a larger brain. His head was attched to his backbone in an efficient way for walking on two feet.
The earliest human beings were omnivores. Man's diet consisted of both plants and animals. Man used fire for cooking and warmth. Man used tools to kill and butcher meat.
Mankind had learned how to form a working group for hunting and gathering food. The earliest humans built simple shelters from the elements. As Mankind migrated, he developed skills and characteristics for survival in his environment.
Human Fossil Timeline For Human Innovations Lucy Wasn't Alone!


While we do not know the names of those who invented the most basic tools that separated mankind from the animals, we do know that creativity and intelligence were essential to the inventive mind. With that in mind, we can explore some of the more recent inventions recorded in our history. Click on thes links to learn more.

Link to History of Inventions
History of Inventions
Link to Inventors Famous American Inventors

History of the Internet

What is now the internet began a few decades ago. Computers used by military began to communicate with one another, and their techie masters sent electronic mail along with the communication packets that could travel over telephone lines. Educational institutions developed their own computer centers, and communicated with the military, and other educational institutions. Again, humans were hanging their own mail onto the machine data being transferred. There are limits to how much machines can say to other machines, but humans can out communicate machines any day... and those little packets of email transfered with data became big packets, then bigger packets, and still bigger packets of electronic mail.
Electronic Mail grew from those early packets. The military built Arpanet and made the connections deliberately complicated to provide security for national communications case of nuclear attack. Bitnet was the educational network that began linking up universities. FredMail linked up computers in K-12 schools in California with software that transferred the precious packets by night. Bulletin boards began to flourish in urban centers and with hobbyists. The Cold War kept the routing complex, even as the number of users and what they used it for mushroomed. As education and commercial networks developed, they pulled in disabled community giving new life and hope to homebound and bed-ridden folks.
Originally, electronic mail was sent from one individual to another. Collaborations emerged, and the technology to group folks with common interests were begun. The UUnet Usenet Newsgroups were some of the earliest Electronic Discussions. Newsgroups still exist, and in fact encompass many more subject areas than before. You can find a Usenet Newsgroup to discuss almost anything.
As the Bitnet software developed, Mailing List Discussion Groups were formed usually on university networks that could subscribed to by anyone with an electronic mail account. Although the topics tend to have more decorum than topics inthe newsgroups, there are many parallel topics, and many Mailing Lists are also piped out to the Newsgroups.
As fast as communications among users of the Newsgroups and Mailing list became, and as stable and predictible as the networks became, the users wants more. They wanted graphics. They wanted point and click. They wanted music and video. They wanted live chats. Today, all this and more make up the World Wide Web also known as the Internet.
Growth of the Internet 1998-2008

History of the Internet

Growth of the Internet 1998-2008

President Dwight Eisenhower

Warning about the Military Industrial Complex

Page created November 26, 2007. Anne Pemberton. Updated Sat, Apr 14, 2012. AP