THANK YOU SHOUT OUT!!!To the students of Ms. Fiato's class at Bright Future: Thank You for your contribution. |
Coin Fact Book | Save Money: Save Money for a rainy day! Save Money for a large purchase. Save Money to let it earn more Money. | Spend Money: This is the easiest way to use Money. Money can be spent on needs or wants. |
Invest Money: Buying something that will become more valuable over time. | Budget Money. Deciding how to save or spend your money is a budgeting Money. Write down a budget to remind you what to save and how you will spend your money. |
Learn About the Jobs Builder! Cook! Doctor! Farmer! Firefighter! Teacher! |
What Can You Be! | Print and Color Community Helpers |
Color People at Jobs Plumber! Firefighter! |
Skyscrapers Pix and information on skyscrapers around the world! | The Mohawks Who Built Manhattan | Learn about Labor Rights |
Econopolis |
Forum: Social Studies and Economics |
Graphs of the US Economy |
Crazy Taxes! US and the World |
Cotton: Plant of Many Uses |
Take an empty cylindrical cardboard box such as salt, oatmeal or stuffing comes in.
Cover the sides and both ends with pink construction paper. Glue in place.
Use construction paper to make six rolls for a head, a snout and four feet.
Cut out pink circle for face. Cut out small pink circle for front of snout.
Draw face and nostrils. Glue face and snout in place.
Cut out pink ears. Glue in place
Curl a pipecleaner around a pencil, and insert the pipecleaner as the pig's tail.
Draw a slot on the top.
Ask an adult to cut it with a sharp blade.
JobsSOL K.6 |
Needs and WantsSOL K.7 a |
Use MoneyMoney, Money, MoneySOL K.7 b |
Funny Money |
Goods and ServicesSOL 1.7 |
Buyers and SellersSOL 1.7 |
Choices or SpendingSOL 1.8 |
Save MoneySOL 1.9 |
Earn Money |
ResourcesSOL 2.7 |
ScarcitySOL 2.9 |
Using ResourcesSOL 3.7 |
Producers and ConsumersSOL 3.7 |
InterdependenceSOL 3.8 |
SpecializationSOL 3.8 |
Opportunity CostsSOL 3.9 |
Page created October 31, 2007. Anne Pemberton. Updated Sun, Sep 9, 2012. AP